
Having recently bought a 10x8" camera, I've found that the Rodenstock 210mm Apo Sironar S that I was using with my 5x4" camera isn't really up to the job for ar chitectural shots etc (it only has about 2-3mm of movement on 10x8").

I would like a wide angle lens (similar to the 90mm I use on 5x4", although I kn ow there's no direct 180mm equivalent). I suppose I'm looking at the Rodenstock 155mm Gradagon, but I'd also like to find out about other makes/models. Am I c orrect in thinking that the Schneider 150XL is not a wide-angle design, although it will cover 10x8"? I'd also like to find out more info on the Fuji and Nikon lenses. Do these manufacturers have a web-site?

I'm shooting mainly B&W and contact printing, although I will sometimes shoot on colour stock, and may at some point enlarge the B&W negs to around 20x16" or 24 x20". I've always been more than happy with the Rodenstock lenses, although I p robably wouldn't be able to notice much difference with another make.

I'm also going to need a longer length for portraiture and still-life work - pro bably equivalent to my 210mm lens. I see that 360mm is the normal 'long' focal length on 10x8", but are there many good quality options in the 420-480mm focal length range?

Thanks in advance.