I was wondering if anyone has encountered the same problem as I did.

First time using the Grafmatic "45" GRAPHIC holder and did all the research and practiced a lot with it before use. Did several 'dry' runs with throw-away sheets of film and was all good to go.

After I developed my film, I found all my shots out of focus!

The holder and septums are in great shape, and I loaded the film emulsion side up.

During shooting, I made sure to keep one finger on the back and I cycled the carriage and worked the darkslide to ensure that the back did not move or slide out. The whole Grafmatic is capable of sliding out (during cariage or darkslide cycling) if I don't use a finger to hold it in place, but once in, it seems fairly secure in that it doesn't rattle or anything like that.

Yes, after pulling the darkslide, I pushed it back in before taking the shot and also made sure that it did not slide slightly out of place by pushing against it. It was all the way into the spring back as far as it would go without excessive force.

I was using a 4x5 Horseman LX with a spring back in excellent condition and an ultra wide angle 65mm lens shooting between f5.6 to f16. Sunny day out so focusing was not a problem.

Does anyone have any idea what could have gone wrong? Shots on Lisco holders pose no problems, so I ruled out the spring back, springs, gg and fresnel plane.

Thanks in advance