After many years of a Jobo Expert drum on a motor base, I want to switch over to tubes. I'm processing 45 and 57 in ABS tubes that I made that are similar to BTZS tubes. I start with dry film in the top and developer in the bottom of the tube. To start I put the tube in a tray of water and spin it for 30 sec and then for 5 sec every 30 sec until done. In between, the tubes floats in the tray level in the tray. When done, I take them apart (in the dark) and flood the tubes with water. Then the negs go into the fix tray for a few minutes before the lights come on. I'm not presoaking the film.

The developer is 510.Pyro for now. I've been using PMK since time began, but I'm looking for something more convenient.

So, does this sound similar to other tube users? Am I sinning for lack of presoak. The negs look okay, altho I'm still getting calibrated.
