I've experienced the strangest problem with photographs made on a recent photogr aphy trip with my Nikon 300M lens that I've ever seen. I used the lens for abou t five photographs. A friend of mine borrowed it from time to time during the tr ip and made about the same number of photographs. All of the photographs that we both made with this lens (using two different cameras, my Technika V, his Maste r Technika)look very strange. It's difficult to describe and unfortunately I don 't have a web site where I can post an example but typically there is a small sh arp area somewhere in the picture, then everything is so blurry in front and beh ind of that small sharp area that you can't tell what the picture is supposed to be of. Also, there are "ghost" images in the pictures. For example, in one ther e is a small island in the center of the photograph that is in focus, then there is what looks like a larger version of the island, completely black and very bl urred, towards the foreground. It looks like a big black blob and you couldn't t ell what it is except that it is the same shape as the island. I've used this le ns before and haven't had this problem. If anyone would like to see exactly what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll send it as an attachment to an e mail m essage. I'm at a complete loss as to what the problem could be. Since two differ ent photographers experienced the same problem using this lens on two different cameras, it seems almost certain that the problme lies with the lens. I've looke d at it and it looks normal to me. If anyone has any ideas, I'd like to hear the m. Thanks.