I have debated whether I should take the plunge into large format photography, but realize I don't know enough about the subject to know where to begin. I took a stab at bidding on a used K.B. Canham DLC 4X5 metal field camera, but dropped out when it rose above $1,400. The camera is still listed and is only a year old and it looks like new ones sell for $2,300, but I don't have an idea what lens and other accessories would be required for a full set up.

I use a Nikon D700 with several lenses for most of my current photography needs, but would like to expand into large format. I would like to pair a DLS4/5 with the best Schneider landscape lens that can be used in the field. I would also like to estimate how much a full large format setup including camera, lens and accessories could cost. I can use my tripod and ball head that I use with my digital setup.

What can I do to become more familiar with what equipment is needed and where I could pick up a class or training on the subject?