Of recent we have all noticed that this forum may be going the way of the "dodo bird" in the very near future. Recently Wayne asked the question as to what will happen if this forum becomes suddenly unavailable forever in the future.

I would like to jump to the conclusion that this is very likely to happen. So I ask now and invite everybody to respond to this thread until the question is res olved. Q.-Tuan Luong .. if you are out there and reading this, could you please post an answer here for all of us to read.

If not then would somebody who has the knowledge and skill to move and keep this forum alive please step in and make a definitive and positive action towards pl acing this content somewhere it will be safe and reachable.

My apologies if I have offended anybody but I just wish to encourage a positive action to begin before it is too late and the content is lost.

Thanks for reading this.