I use a Sinar F2 at work,and not long ago I tried taking it out into the field. The only carrying choice I had was the cheap suitcase that came with the camera. That doesn't work; bulky, meant only to carry the camera one way, can't get the whole kit inside, generally an impractical pain in the butt. I was wondering, does anyone here actually use a Sinar-'field' in the field? I don't backpack great distances in the mountains, but I do like to get away from the car... and it would be interesting to find out what kind of one-pack setup you have to carry that camera and the rest of the hardware. I've used wooden field cameras for decades and have worked out a nice portable kit, too heavy of course, but I'd like to find something as practical as that for the much bulkier Sinar. Thinking ahead to another camera? Sure.