I am seeking opinions on Arca Swiss 6x9 FC vs. Linhof Techikardan 23S. My intere sts are wide-angle field photography (so the camera must accept 35mm lens) and m acro. In macro I am interested in magnification more than in depth-of field (I a ctually shot macro mostly wide open). I also would like to have full movements, including rear tilt. Weight is second priority since I don't do long hikes: coup le of miles tops. I am not very interested in 4x5 film, 6x9 is fine for my work. I also considered Ebony, but it seems that interesting models are expensier tha n AS or Linhof. From Ebonys I considered 45S and SV45Ti - as far as I understand , I don't need WA bellows wih Ebony, right? Thank you for your replies.