I am a new member of the forum and I am shopping for my first serious LF camera. My large format experience is very limited compared many of the posters on this forum. I shoot landscapes and some architecture and want a camera that has movements so I can learn and apply the standard functions of a LF camera. A good workshop would also be of interest to me. Anyone know of any good LF workshop in Texas?

I currently own a medium format Century Graphic, 2 lenses (101mm Kodak Ektar and an 8" Wollensack Raptor) and two 6x9 Graflex backs. I have used this gear about 30 times or so with marginal results. I have been frustrated with inaccurate focus perhaps due to my limited experience and the backs not holding the film flat. The adjustments on this camera seem flimsy.

I like the 6x9 format because I am so comfortable with the 2x3 composition of 35mm which I have used for many years. However, it may be better for me to start with a 4x5 that can easily be adaptapted to 6x9 and perhaps even a digital back further down the road. I have been doing research on the Arca Swiss and Ebony & Linhof Technika cameras and have read several good threads on this forum which compare them. The prices new are pretty steep though.

I think a used camera would be better for me than a brand new one. I understand that my first LF camera probably won't be my last. It would be great to get a used setup with a few lenses that I could get comfortable with awhile. I have noticed some used models on Ebay that seem quite affordable. I could use some feedback on other reputable used camera dealers.

It would be nice to be able to visit a store to try these out. I am based in Houston, Texas and have found next to nothing locally. I will be in Austin in a week if anyone knows of a good resource there.