[Steve Simmons (aka Eric) because he had absolutely nothing to do with it its success and desperately wants the LF world to go through him. The sad fact is the LF community has left him behind and is moving on down the road. Hell of an attitude for someone that has 25 years into the business.[/QUOTE]

Yes, and in my opinion, the magazine has declined as well. It used to be that Thalmann, Harris, and others contributed useful, informative, and well-written articles, but now we have repetitive articles on the same subjects (at least three Scheimpflug articles in the last year, for example), poorly done and poorly presented articles on photographers' work, and a lot of filler ("Steve Simmons has undertaken the 7x17 camera" even though there has been very little of use in his writings). It's too bad there isn't another alternative for large format photographers. I'm so glad this forum exists.