I am a long time photographer principally versed in the use of medium format cam eras. Recently, I purchased a Canham 5x7 camera which I will be using in the 4x5 and 5x7 formats.My work is 100% B&W. I own presently only a Schneider Apo 210 m m lens which I use for both formats. I do not live in a country where I can conv eniently test lenses before purchase. I would therefore like to know what are th e absolute best lenses that I can purchase in the focal lengths of ca. 90, 120, 300 and 360 mm (for 4x5) that will be also used when I am working with the 5x7 f ormat. I am aware that the focal lengths are not equivalent. I am intersted in l enses that besides for having the best resolution possible and are also excepti onally contrasty. I have read conflicting comments on German versus Japanese gla ss. What is the truth behind the comment that Japanese lenses are warmer than Ge rman lenses? Should the new 110 mm 5.6XL Super Symmar lens from Schneider be con sidered based on the above considerations?