I currently get my (4x5) film developed at a lab which is a PITA as I have to drive there and back and its often days between when I get a chance to drop off and pick up. So I just got my 8x10 setup and am starting to think I could just do the processing in the back of the bathroom here at work.

The bathroom has a shower room in the back of it (that nobody uses) that has a separate door to it (so it should be easy to light seal) and plumbing (shower) and floor space. What is a easy setup for 8x10 B&W processing? I don't want to take up too much space and would prefer a setup that I can just develop a few sheets at a time w/out having to waste the chemicals between uses, or at least use very little chemicals if I have to.

And do I need a drying cabinet or any other tools? I haven't done B&W lab work for about 2 years and it was 35mm at the time. I see this 'JOBO expert drum', is that the one?
