Howdy LF Friends,

You know how we are always discussing the focussing screens, lens sharpness , mt f curves, ultra fine grain, spending VERY good money on the best optics money ca n buy, yada yada yada... Well , being just a few years away from the big 50, things just didn't seem to b e in TACK sharp focus that i've been reading about and striving for , even with the best glass, fine grained film, tripods, etc... Even when reading, i would get tired after a couple of pages and put the book do wn. I had always prided myself as being able to see better than 20/20 and NOTHING wa s so tiny that i couldn't see or read it.

I decided after getting a little annoyed that my prints weren't as sharp as they should be, given the equipment at hand, to make an appointment with my childs e ye doctor for a checkup. I think the last eye checkup i had was maybe when i was in grade school.

surprise surprise surprise, my arms needed to be stretched OR i needed reading g lasses! WOW, what a freakin difference!!!!!

I URGE all of you to consider the positive effect a good and thourough eye exam will have on YOUR photography!!!

What a positive experience that was to sharper focusing! I THOUGHT my images wer e in focus on my screens all this time!

enough of my public service message, but it REALLY helped and maybe even if one of my LF Friends will heed this, it can possibly help your images..

Best wishes, 4 I's