As you all most likely know from earlier posts, I'm getting ready to make the pl unge into LF. The last thing I'm desiding on is what will be my first lens. In 3 5 my normal lens is a 35mm. My 50mm does duty as a paper weight. So I was concid ering a lens that would be close to the same angle of view in 4x5. The two lens I have been thinking about are the 135mm f5.6 Rodenstock APO Sironar-S and the 1 25mm f5.6 Fujinon CM-W. They are pretty close in FL and coverage is about the sa me from what I see. I'm thinking the Rodenstock is most likely the sharper lens, but I wanted to get some feedback. I'm know about the 110mm Super Symmar XL and that it's a wonderful lens, but it's really outside of my budget. So I won't fe el bad I'll call it too heavy for backpacking. ;-) The only problem I have with Rodenstocks are, that I repair photo finishing equipment for a living and the gr etags I work on, Half have Rodenstocks and half have Docters and the Zoom Rodens tocks are really pretty crapy. So I kind of have a bad taste. But then I've use d Rodenstock enlarging lens that were good and I work for Kodak and will most li kely loose my Job for buying Fuji products...J/K. Anyway, I guess I'll stop ramb ling now.

Thanks in Advance for the feedback, Ed