Armin, I'm a school teacher with second language students. Please let me help a little:

"Hi All:

I would like to get feedback from everyone who had troubles with their Schneider or Rodenstock lens caps in this present thread. I'll copy all your posts and send them directly to Rodenstock and Schneider in Germany! Thanks for your time and effort. I`m sure we'll get better caps in the future. Please reply below if:

1) You had a problem or damage due to an inadequate manufacturer's lens cap from Rodenstock or Schneider, and what was your solution.

2) Also reply if you pre-emptively changed the lens caps before damage could occur or if you proactively put a protective filter on the front thread, etc. (again, due to inadequacies of the manufacture's lens caps).

I'll copy all the mails and send them directly to Rodenstock and Schneider in Germany! Thanks for your time and I`m sure we'll get better caps in the future."

Armin, thanks for the offer of assistance.

O.k. forum members, let's step up to the plate and see if we can get a little, but important improvement in our expensive gear from the manufacturers. (I personally don't have any of the wonderful Schneider or Rodenstock lenses yet, so...)

I'm assuming Armin speaks German, and he could be a nice resource. It's tough communicating with the German photo companies in English (or French for that matter). Andre