That's it. Decision made. I hate shooting events, weddings, and the like. I hate being questioned by other photographers (during concerts!) about why I "still" use a hasselblad. I hate trying to "sell myself" to potential clients who have their taste buds deeply imbedded in their asses. And I just don't like inkjet black and white, with the exception of a few from scanned film. And I STILL like the contact prints better.

I've decided that I am going to go...

... film. Exclusively. Yup.

Putting d300, Nikon 9000 up for sale, never to look back. From now on, it will be 4x5 5x7, 8x10, contact printed for the most part. Maybe an enlargement here and there from a ditial negative. Decided that this is the part of photography that makes me happy, making silver gelating prints that make people go ahhh...ohhh...oooo...even if it means keeping a day job. Jpegs? Jpegs? I don't got to show you no stinkin' jpegs!

Whew....glad that decision is over with. I've been struggling with this for a long time...thanks for the input. (see previous post.)