Anybody here do that? I mean, anyone here not own a digital camera? I have recently acquired another one...but I am just not as pleased with it as with MF or LF.
I am thinking of giving it up and shooting 4x5 and up exclusively. But I still have that little problem with an acceptable scanner (16x20 and smaller exhibition prints), and the fact that I have yet to see (let alone produce) an inkjet print that is up to snuff with a silver version of the same. And even the labs print (real) black and white on color paper! Damn! I am a bit frustrated.

I have been told by a good friend and experience photographer that I will look silly as a professional without a digital slr in my arsenal, so to speak. But I just don't feel as good about what I do when I use the silly thing, although it is very good for what it is (D300). My $150 Speed Graphic a d 127mm Ektar, even when subjected to a scan with an Epson 4990, just makes me wonder why the hell I spent all that loot on a dslr. But, I have surmised that publications won't accept this. What gives??

Cutting to the chase, I know that shooting 6x6 and up will limit my client list drastically. But that is what I really want to do. I am ready to sell the damned thing and buy a Linhof. Crazy?