Hi Folks,

I have been into photography since College (1964) I discovered this forum 10 years ago, and contributed quite a few times I see. I have been away from it for quite a few years now, and have questions!

In college, I had my own darkroom, and used small film sizes, (35, 127). I did only B&W.

When I got into 4x5 in 1998, I was keen to get into 4x5 transparancies, and found them wonderful, but the cost, now that I have retired, is prohibitive. I am a regular subscriber to View Camera Magazine for the last ten years, and have been interested in alternative processes for some time.

I am proposing to get into FP4+, Pyrocat, developing in BTZS Tubes, and printing with an antique print frame on POP and or Ziatype prints. I attended a lecture while in college by Ansel Adams, and remember his praise of the old processes, and am very excited to try some of these.

I used a yankee tank to develop my small films, and when I bought my Tachahara 4x5, (used), I also got a yankee 4x5 tank for free , which I thought I would try. After reading all over the internet, I have found that most folks would rather have their fingers cut off than use this tank. Since I got it for free, I do not feel any obligation to it. I have heard the BTZS Tubes are great, and use very little chemistry, so they sound best to me.

Please, I would like to hear others experience with the above film, developer, combination in the BTZS Tubes.

Thanks again, it's great to be back in the forum.
