With regards to foto3 the program was terrific. We had 200+ at John Sexton's lecture and 125+ at David Stoecklein's even though it was the night before the conference started. To have secured two such wonderful speakers was very fortunate and the highlight of the program for many attendees. Karen Kuehn was another speaker who got raves. Her portraits, not all large format, are terrific. She regularly works for a variety of nationally known publications.

One of the challenges with such an activity as foto3 is to have the seminars to attract the people but not to keep them so busy they stay away from the trade show. I may have errored a little on keeping them too busy with seminars. Sexton's and Hutchings' seminar on the Art and Craft of Traditional Black and White ran 30 minutes over the alloted time and had people lined up for another 30 minutes to get the handouts from both speakers. A compliment to them and to the program.

Some of the exhibitors said they did better than last year and others did not do so well. However, even those who were disappointed asked about next year and made suggestions.

I appreciate all who attended, as attendees and exhibitors, and will be happy to hear constructive comments.

steve simmons