In October I bought a 11X14 Agfa paper named above at a local store in my neighb ourhood. A month later I went to a community lab (recently open with new and wor king equipment) and tried to print a couple of my 2 1/4 X 3 1/4 sheet film. I wa s supreise to see a line running from top to bottom at the same place for more t hat 10 papers. I tried printing using different negatives, machines and even len ses but the line wouldn't go and I concluded that it was a factory defect. I too k the paper back and I was given the same type of paper (they were very generous and understanding). This past Sunday I went to the lab again and the same thing happened with a line stretching from top to bottom and did all possible tests a nd decided to use my 8 X 10 (same paper) for printing and never got the "irritat iong" line. This afternoon I called the store and registered the complaint and t hey said they will exchange or give me refund (I will exchange). My questions is , has anyone of you come accress similar problem? I can provide you with the lot number 084779257117.
