Thanks for your inputs. Today I developed 12 sheets of 4x5 HP-5 in D-23 with running water between developer and fixer. I have some pinholes, but no as many. I don't believe they are "dust spots" as they are completely clear and sharp edged. I guess I'll just fill them in with retouching and proceed. I am using Kodafix 1:3, which is what is recommended by Kodak. I am open to any further experiences. I haven't used a wetting agent in pre-soak, but will try it next time. A bit of Photo-flo should do the trick, maybe.

I don't get this problem in roll films, only sheet films. I try to keep everything clean when loading the holders. Wouldn't dust cause some change in image density, not just clear spots?

Anyway, Thanks,
Howard Barron