Ok, it's a basic, and somewhat dumb question, but I'll ask anyway. And my learning technique is to push something until I don't know and then research and ask. Ok, the question.

Due to the cold winter weather, and getting older, I've moved my work indoors. I started using the 4x5 camera to trigger the Pocket Wizards to the flashes. All my lenses are newer Schneider lenses. I've read different explanations of the shutter speed for x-sync, from 1/125th and slower (Jim Stone's book) to any speed (Leslie Stroebel's book), the latter because it triggers when the shutter is fully open and any shutter speed is slower than the flash.

So far I've been using 1/60th for the aperture (f11-22), but I am curious if I could use any shutter speed. Any ideas or answers beside the obvious test it?

The one thing I have learned is that I have to isolate the PW in the coldshoe because it shorts the signal because PW's have single contact for camera hotshoes. Using a standard off-camera hot shoe work to isolate the PW from the camera works for the x-sync camera to PW cable.