Hello all,

Ok - here's the issue. I fly to Iceland in 4 weeks. Baggage limit (take on) is 10KG.

I was planning to take my Canon digital SLR and a couple of lenses and my Ebony.
Well just adding up the weight of all this stuff is going to be near on impossible to get on the aircraft, and there is no way I'm putting it in the hold.

In the past I've travelled with just the digital, taken up to 200 shots in a week with about 20 real quality keepers, so I am wondering if I should leave the Digital at home and concentrate on the 4x5. I will be taking landscapes almost exclusively, and hope to catch the aurora (anyone done astro night stuff successfully with 4x5?).

I am thinking I should go, enjoy, take a shot only when it is really worth it (the essence of LF isn't it?). I can take snaps to satisfy my family with my tiny Leica 35mm compact!

Finally, I love Velvia but wonder if I should rely on this or shoot Colour neg?

Any thoughts appreciated. It's decision time for me on this.
