Can the Arca be considered a truly Field Based Camera?

I know Kerry has always advocated weight, cutting down his Toho to weigh a good bit under 2lbs which is rediculously light. But since, I see he has become more and more fond of the AS beauty/system and has made many additions such as the Orbix, different and higher end standards, etc. etc...

Though this is not necessarily a question directed for Kerry since I am really looking for others that use this pretty much purely as a field camera, but again...

Lets say we go on weight and give an average weight of 6lbs per Arca user's camera. This can even be something inventive like Kerry's 4X10 or even a 5X7 (custom type to reduce weight) that weighs 5-6lbs.

I suppose this could, in a sense, be a two part question relative to what people consider to be appropriate weight for a field based camera, but lets just stick with 4X5 or conversions that keep weight to 6lbs maximum, for total camera complete with lensboard, but no lens...

Is this and in particular, the Arca Swiss a Field Camera?

Cheers all and Happy New Year's first couple of days so far!!!