My dream lens kit is very much formed with weight and performance comprimises
From widest here goes* 58XL,schnieder 80XLschnieder, 110XLschnieder,rodenstock 150 sironar S,*240a fujinon *300c fujinon,*450M nikkor.Lenses with asterix already owned or ordered .
BTW i am not one of those who think you must go all german or all japanese.
Lenses that i own already that may be replaced by the list above are 90mm SA f8
(Linhoff badged) 150mm 6.3 fujinon(although unlikely)I have commented on other threads how much i like this lens.But have also heard. the Sironar S is something special.The one that will be replaced for sure is the symmar s 240 5.6 that i own
due to weight & size considerations.
Comments on my choices from people with more exspertise than i would be appreciated ,remember i backpack so many lenses were chosen with in mind.
Cheers Gary