Quote Originally Posted by Saulius View Post
What I will say about Chris's current work is that it's getting people to talk. Talk about his work talk about the subject matter. No, he's not giving solutions to problems but without conversation we'll never get there. To me that's one sign of good art, getting people involved and talking. I find most of his new work interesting and captivating. It's also nice to see someone from this forum/ former participant/ getting some success, I wish him well.
We have been having conversations about the environment since the 70s. The green house effect has been bandied around since the 80s. This is not a a problem that has a single solution and it would be unfair to ask Jordan that he propose a solution when he does not have the knowledge to do so.

The old cliche if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem applies very well here. What does he do aside from exploiting the environmental theme to be part of the solution? Does he support any environmental causes either with time or money? I bet not. Here lies the problem I have with this kind of activism, that is nothing more than hypocresy masked under good intentions. There has to come a time when we need to move past the "talking" stage and do something. Each of us can do something, some more than others but we can all contribuite. Conmiserating and showing work that tells us how "bad" we are and then going about your life just like you did before is nothing more than exploitation.

He found a good hook, good for him, he found success with this hook, good for him once more. But the work and the "message" is empty. Telling people he just wants to "show" how terrible is this consumerism is a cop out. You would have to be living on a cave for the last 30 years not to be aware of this.