First, hello all on this forum! I'm Mikolaj and I want to start the journey into large format (it won't be so soon though)
Seems that's the largest LF forum so it' best source for kind information :)
Please read my below observations and questions patiently and point any mistakes or add suggestions and answers :)

I'm not a professional photographer, but I'd descirbe myself as experienced enthusiast.. I hope.. ;)
I worked a lot of years with 35mm and lately in 6x6 MF with lovely hasselblad.
MF will remain as my main tool forever I think, but Large format offers amazing learning and skills perfecting possibilities. It's very "exacting" and forces
to think and work a lot BEFORE even taking a photo, and that's what I may like. I also love to work in full analog way which includes wet-darkroom too.

Don't worry! To avoid asking typical question "what camera should I choose" I did a lot of reading, digging and researching on my own. And now I'll precise what I already know:
You won't be surprised that my bet (for now) is 4x5 Tachihara - either new or used.
FIRST is use: I'm mostly interested in ladscape, people and portrait. Landscape includes buildings and architecture but more in artistic way, not in strictly technical and "architectural" way that would require high precision monorail.
Sure, studio still-life and commercial photography work is also interesting for me but good stable and heavy monorail may wait.
SECOND, size and weight: I like photo trips on my bicycle or by foot, and even when I go somewhere with a car, I'm walking a lot of kilometers away from parking place - this also excludes monorail.
THIRD, from my research: Tachihara (and other similar cameras) still have a lot of movements which cover most of LF needs, and that will allow me to learn large format technique.
FOURTH is simple: It's nice looking and quite affordable for me :)

NOW it's time for questions!
I'm choosing Tachihara but the biggest confusion for me is compatibility.
What equipment should I look for?
What type of filmholders fit to this camera, what type of lensboards etc..?
Can I fit ANY lens to ANY LF camera? (assuming it fits bellow possibilities of course)
In technical data of tachihara there Is note about min and max bellows extension from 65 to 330mm. Does that mean I can put 65mm lens min. and 330mm max? And all in between?

I've read that when choosing lenses, I have to "double" focal lenght of favorite lenses from my current camera format.
So I have 50mm 80mm and 150mm set for 6x6.
Should I look for 100mm 160mm and 300mm for tachihara? Or maybe there are any other equivalents? What brands, types, mount sizes, symbols etc. to look for Tachihara?

Last question (for now) is about shutters! If I understood correctly, shutter in LF is a separate part and can be mounted to different lenses. When I usually buy lense (new or used) should it be with shutter or is it usually sold without it? Can I have one shutter for few lenses? I.e. for this 100, 160, 300mm set? Or maybe construct differences make it impossible and every lens need its own shutter?
I found out there is a shutter numeration #1, #2 and #3 What does this mean? Which to choose?
And again what types and brands are tachihara compatible please :)

As a conclusion, please feel free to suggest any minimal set of holders, lensboards lenses and other equipment I should gather to get started!
Remember that I chose Tachihara and don't want to discuss about pros and cons of sheng-haos, Toyos and others. I've read a lot of posts about it and I'm sure Tachihara is right for me. Period. :))))))))))))

Thank You for Your patience, and can't wait to read Your answers!