Is film still used for fine art reproduction and museum archiving?

No matter what the benefits of digital archiving are, I would imagine it would be foolhardy to depend solely on digital for archiving. Digital archiving, on the surface, offers many advantages, but CD’s and DVD’s are known to fail regularly and are complex technologies to reproduce. Whatever digital method is used for archiving seems to be problematic and needs to be re-archived every 10-20 years to keep up with the latest technology. Not being able to readily see the image without complex technology seems to be another problem, i.e., it could easily be discarded accidentally.

A properly stored film negative offers extremely long life, is simple technology to reproduce, and is proven technology. Particularly with priceless art works, would not film still be used alongside digital storage - just to be sure?

I am interested in finding out what museums and galleries want as far as archiving these days – whether it is mainly digital, still film, or do they want both? What does the industry expect from someone considering offering a photographic archiving service?