WARNING - This does contain nudity so don't view at work!

So my beautiful girlfriend is over.

I've got my darkroom sorted (finally!). The Beseler CB-7 is set up for 4x5 and 6x6, my new LPL 6700 for 35mm.

I've got a few cameras in my room begging to be used.

So the Korona 4x5 with the Dagor 180mm is sat waiting to be used properly. My mother's 1DmkII and studio lights are gathering dust. I want to use 'proper' Ilford film rather than all that Ortho 4x5!

I need a portfolio sorted by Wednesday and MJ offers to let me take some photo's if I'd like to.

We're playing around, but to use the studio flash, I wasn't sure how to meter - I use the 1DmkII as a ££££ light meter, then set up the Korona to take one photo.

This really was to test whether the Dagor-in-shutter would work properly with a flash. I think I set it to 1/15 at f/32ish after all.

So playing around with the digital, we got this photo - I thought you all might enjoy the humour

With the camera set up with fp4 we got this -

Full version here:


Thats a very rough neg and VERY rough prints. Rushed to say the least, literally quick development, quick printing without test strip or filtering or dodging or burning. The contrast should be a lot higher, but of course a near-100 year old Dagor would have low contrast. I've not leveled the scans yet either.

All in all I quite enjoyed using 4x5 for portraiture... I can't wait to take more!