Ok, this is a tought one. I idenitifed my source of frustration, which is my lac k of counter space, and my anal retentive nature in development - I want consist ent, reproducible results.

So, I am looking at the sub-$2,000 JOBO units.

The marketing blah blah blah on Jobo's web site tells me very little. What are m ost people using out there for developing 4x5 negs only? Which drum unit? This g ets kind of confusing, since I have yet to see one of these fine units in person .

I noticed that the CPE-2 is going for $575 on B&H, and there is a $200 rebate, w hich I could apply toward a lift. So, for something like $625, I would have a de cent system. What is the major benefit to going to the CPA / CPP systems? I don' t have a need to do large amounts of negs at one time, but I would like as much automation as possible, given that my space is limited, and my only water flow w ould come from a faucet in the kitchen or bathroom.