Thanks in advance for being so gracious with seemingly remidial questions. I ha ve found so many, and I do mean many, different charts and articles and recommen dations as to which focal lengths in Large Format correspond to which focal leng ths in 35mm, but they ALL differ. I am currently making the jump into 4x5 from 35mm and am days away from purchasing my first lens. I am leaning towards the S ironar-S 150 (like the good movement idea). I have heard that 150 is equiv to 3 8, 40, 45, some even say 50. I'm not interested in a standard 50 size (in 35mm) , I like slightly to moderately wide. Since the Sironar-S 135 has less room for movements, if the 150 is TOO normal size, my next choice, despite the great cos t difference, is the 110XL. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Again the main question is, IN REALITY, WHAT DOES A 150 COMPARE TO IN 35 FORMAT. Than ks all.