I am usually focus using hyperfocal distance in 35mm with my Nikkor 28PC lens wi th DOF to spare at f/16-f/22. Of course, in 35 mm, the procedure is simple: I ju st stop-down and look at the scale on the lens barrel, turn the focus ring until "infinity" is within the DOF range for that f-stop and shoot! My question #1-- how is this done in LF? (Givens: 90mm SA XL, 4X5 format, and a DOF table from Sc hneider web site found with the help of this group TNX). BTW, I noticed that at the bottom of the Scheider 90 mm DOF table, one row is labeled "[hyperfocal Dist ance] [NEAR(ft)]" and gives distances for each f-stop column. Hence, question #2 : what are these distances?: a) the focus point which will give DOF from an even nearer point to infinity, b) the near "cut-off" point of the maximum DOF? or C) other: _______________. My reasoning leads to: (a) by intuitively looking at th e table. Pardon any misuse of terms, this is all new to me! (My Horseman LE from Badger is being shipped as we speak). Question #3: how do I focus the camera to the hyperfocal distance once I know it? (via GG image w/magnifier while I get a tree to "stand-in" at the required distance?? via some alchemic LF formulae t hat would give me lensboard to film distance in cm.?) I do appreciate to helpful denizens who inhabit this remarkable LF group! Best, Paul Chaplo