I'm referring back to the recent post about Charlotte Cotton's essay The New Color: The Return of Black-and-White

(see this thread)

I've been thinking about this and written a blog post on "So, who are the new black & white photographers?"


Let's assume for now that there is some truth to Cotton's argument, that there is a potential new wave of photographers working in black & white - in some way analogous to the new and exciting directions taken by colour over the last 20 or 30 years.

But if this is the case, who ARE the people doing what we could (perhaps -just perhaps) call "New Black and White"?

Sure there are the old guard - most towards the latter part of their careers. They did some pretty new and interesting stuff but that was a generation or two ago (even though many still continue to be innovative). Sure, they are certainly still going strong now, but who are the new guard?

Cotton listed some - I'm definitely not sure about a number of them, but there are perhaps a few in there

So, is there really much black and white work being done that's innovative, exploratory, vigorous (analogous to, but obviously not the same as, what has happened in colour over the last 25-30 years - and which still continues)?

(and if we want to argue about Cotton's basic premise, perhaps we can take that back to the original thread?)