Hello new here...

I've been shooting fashion on Mamiya RZ gear for some time, but I'm really very strongly considering moving to a Linhof Technika. What is selling me is the rangefinder and the abilty to focus with the film in the camera ready to go. So now I have a couple of questions I'd appreciate if you could help out. I've done a fair bit of googling on the matter but would appreciate any info you may be able to offer.

-How accurate is the focusing? (I'd want to shoot f8-f11)

-How close can you focus with the rangefinder with a 150mm?

-I'm guessing the rangefinder isn't masked so you would need to focus with the rangefinder and then compose with an optical finder?

-Is the apparent focal length of the rangefinder anything near a 150mm?

The system appears on paper to be perfect...I'd especially appreciate any real world experience using the system to shoot people/fashion and the reality of doing so.

Much obliged, thanks in advance...