
Apologies in advance if my question is somewhat stupid with an obvious answer to all the pros here.

I remember reading somewhere that slides/chromes are generally more sensitive to incorrect exposure than for example B&W film, where the latter would have a larger exposure latitude than the former. (please correct me if am wrong, in which case you can disregard the questions below)

1. If the paragraph above is true, does it then imply that the B&W film would have a greater tonality than a slide/chrome digitally converted into B&W?

2. Now to the real question (the answer to which might have large effects on my choice of film): Will there be a noticeable difference in tonality and exposure latitude between a scanned slide/chrome converted into B&W and a scanned B&W neg?

3. What are your recommendations? Do you regularly shoot slides and convert into B&W or is this the equivalent of a mortal sin?

Many thanks in advance.