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Thread: Toning and Permanence

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  1. #32

    Re: Toning and Permanence

    Quote Originally Posted by Jorge Gasteazoro
    In any case I did a gooogle search and in most cases where selenium was put in question they all cite Nishimura's research, when you are the only source of something even when you are wrong you are right and are still the expert, Wilhelm is another good example.
    There are some other independent studies by a Danish group, a German group, et al., and also myself. Nishimura is not alone on the unreliable protection of selenium treatment, although not many people may agree on his "sulfur impurity" theory. I think he only mentioned this theory as one possibility to account for his observations and he did not intend to establish this as a fact or anything.

    I beleive the inclusion of ammonium thiosulfate as part of KRST has a big role in the permanence properties of selenium toning, but apparently it is something that has not been researched.
    The inclusion of ammonium thiosulfate is to accelerate selenium toning reaction.
    Last edited by Ryuji; 24-Jul-2006 at 00:20.

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