Been reading on Bruce Tanners website again, stupid idea of f stop timing is actually starting to make sense. Perhaps its just the sleep deprivation.

At least the way bruce tanner describes the process makes it seem very simple.. do a test strip and instead of a linear 2-4,-6 or 5-10-15 second time differenctial sequence. You do it by a scientific "stops". And when you develop the test strip and let it dry you have a strip with far superior differences between each of the stops.

Then you can take your prefered stop number in the test strip and break it down by 1/4 and 1/3 and so forth to get a more accurate and enhanced accuracy versus the old "20 seconds is to dark, 10 is to light, but do i need to break down the 15 second section into 10-11-12-13-14-15 test strip sequence"

But then I hit a wee snag, in times past some of my convential test strips dictated I set the gralab 300 to 5 seconds, and using the dark room automation handy dandy fstop chart..

And doing some quick math, how the hell does a person deal with a 1 or 2 minute, or even 80 minute long expsure time without worring about heat buildup in the negtive itself causing defects?