I have been a part of this community for some time, but am on my way out. Not mad, and not completely, though! It's just that I've always printed digitally, and now my capture is pretty much all digital as well. So this isn't really a place that I belong anymore.

For the month of March I have an exhibit up at our small local non-profit gallery. It includes images captured on 4x5, 6x7, and digitally, all monochrome. Klamath Falls (Oregon) is not really a place people pass through often, but I thought I'd post on the off chance anyone might! (We have a comfortable guest room in our basement...) I'm including below a link to a blog post showing the installation for those of you who can't make it in person.

Thanks for looking, if you do: https://www.greggwaterman.com/post/it-s-almost-here