Quote Originally Posted by arri View Post
Very good, I like soft focus images.
The structure of the dresser looks very clear and sharp.
I never used a Vireto lens, is is typical for this lenses?

With the Imagon I getting more or less softness when I change the lens extension but only in + direction. Like I realise it in your picture as well
The Imagon has not a real sharp level like anastigmat lenses have, it is more 3D.
Maybe the Verito works similar?
It is my understanding that the Verito works by producing two images that focus at different planes, so one is always blurred. (Sorry if I’m oversimplifying it, feel free to correct me)
The amount of softness is controlled by how much you close down the aperture. The 9” Verito is an f4.0 lens, and I rarely close down further than f5.6 since the softness is almost completely gone by f8.0