I have a 'bottom of the drawer' lens that I just resurrected. It came to me years ago on an ancient speed graphic which had been given to me by a friend. I played around with it at the time, but put it away placing it in the 'bad lens' catagory. The negatives and prints I made from it were not impressive (shot hand held at about 8-11). But now I am not so sure about that. It is tiny and in an old Betax shutter. The only writing on the lens is 'Symmetrical Wide Angle 6 1/2 x 8 1/2.' The lens seems to be about 160mm or so. The f-stops start at f16. Wide open the lens is very, very, very soft (which is why I put it in storage), but it sharpens up at about f132. I am guessing the lens might be a Wollensak, but that is only a guess, as I have done research and found nothing similar. I am thinking now I will shoot some at f132 and more to see how the negs look. I have been under the weather, so it maybe a while before I get to it. I may also try it wide open for some, well, softer looking still lives. Please don't ask me to 'ask the lens' as the last time I was seen talking to my camera my wife nearly had me commited. My question is, has anyone ever come across a similar lens? I would photograph it, but it just looks like a small black-painted lens in a Betax. Thank you! Robbie