Hello everyone,

I have recently grown interest in the Toyo ROBOS camera. If I'm not mistaken, it's the only LF camera model from Toyo that has geared tilts. One of the brochures that I found told me, there were multiple format options offered, namely 4x5, 5x7 and 8x10. However, I have never seen this camera in configuration different than 4x5, and on this forum I saw some comments saying that Toyo had never offered ROBOS-type rear standards in bigger formats.

Regardless if the above is true or not, I started wondering if I could combine ROBOS parts with G parts to build a 5x7/8x10 camera with geared tilt in the front. I assume ROBOS is compatible with the rest of the Toyo monorail system, and I can take the rail, rail clamp and front standard from ROBOS, plus back standard from 57 or 810 G. Has anyone here tried something like that?

All the Best