Contradictions ive found in my first reading of it..

1. He says that film is intended to print as a grade two on paper, when used with the 18% middle grey value set by the light meter. IE use the meters reading directly, no alteration to it.

2. Several times, he makes it out that the zone system is only of use for scens with massive variations in light intensity in it.

3. Several pages are spent going over the proper use of an incident light meter.. but for some reason he makes much use of a BLACK card to illustrate proper use, vie the hand holding black card against adobe wall.

4. He tells us that holding an incident meter on top of a grey card, held against the object to be photographed will provide a more accurate meter reading than if the grey card was not used.. how is that even possible, outside of personal belief?

5. His description of the reflected light meter and the checker board, ive never seen anyone really talk about how a 30* meter will skew to the darks.