
I am having a hard time making a decision about buying my first 8x10 camera. I am not a wealthy person. I got lucky and found a really good Calumet C-1 for free but it turned out to be way too heavy for the trip I would like to make. I think I am committed to buying a Kodak View Master because it looks the sturdiest to travel with despite its weight. Before I spend any money could people let me know what drawbacks there are to owning it. I want to own something I would be happy with for years to come so I would like to know its disadvantages. What, if any, lens size issues might I have with it? I have read the some cameras don't work with some wide angle lenses and sometimes cameras have issues with bellows extension and/or weight. Feel free to badmouth the camera that way I will know what I am getting into.

Also, what lens would people suggest I buy first?
