Quote Originally Posted by AuditorOne View Post
Graflex made 2x3 Graflex and Speed Graphic cameras that easily accommodated different, interchangeable lenses.
A1, I don't agree with you about 2x3 Graflex SLRs. They can't use short lenses 'cos there are no retrofocus lenses for them. Their focusing travel is limited. Graphics -- don't forget the Century and Crown -- are much more polyvalent. The shortest focal length that covers 2x3 and will work on a 2x3 Speed is a little under 60 mm. A 35 will work on a Century or Crown. I have one such.

I have a 2x3 RB Ser. B that I used as the basis of a "Baby Bertha". A really long lens camera. The project failed due to vignetting by the mirror box. With lenses ~250 mm and longer Baby was effectively a 6x6 camera.