Quote Originally Posted by paulbarden View Post
There's nothing wrong with a Schneider Xenar, but I feel that price is a bit high. The Xenar is a Tessar design, and Schneider did a very good job crafting theirs. I have a few Xenars and like them a lot.
If I were you, I'd consider one of the Kodak Ektar lenses. The 8.5" Commercial Ektar is exceptional, as is the 203mm Ektar (f7.7), which is regarded as one of the best lenses of the 200mm plus/minus category ever made. These can be had for about $200.
That was the most reasonably priced 150 on the ‘Bay when I searched. Next closest one was a Nikkor at $349. Buying used is not my strong suit. I noticed a number of posting where the pictures all look alike.