I’ve been away from the forum and LF photography for several years. Now looking to re-engage. Wondering if my approach is sound-minded.

I went waaay down a rabbit hole in the late 90s, early 2000’s starting with a press camera and then onto a Wisner 4x5. I had a lot of fun but never quite mastered the technical controls to get maximum sharpness. Digital became more affordable and I sold my stuff to learn to make videos. The only thing I held onto was my light meter, loop and the few boxes of negatives I made. Fast forward, and I’ve been shooting film almost exclusively for well over a year. Just bought a MF camera and am really enjoying the larger image and developing at home. Developing at home really helps control the cost. BUT now I miss that really big negative! YouTube isn’t helping either, because now I know there are very inexpensive entry (or re-entry) level cameras out there. Honestly if I had YouTube 20 years ago I’d still have that Wisner because I’d have a better understanding of how to utilize the movements.

So I want to give it another try. The Intrepid looks like a no-brainer place to re-start. Add a lens, some holders and I’m ready to go. New device so I don’t have to worry about getting someone’s cast-away that needs repairs or a new bellows….yes, I know it’s not the precision tool like the Wisner was, but I want to ease back in, not dive in.


Also I’m going to want to develop at home. No darkroom. I use a Patterson tank for my roll film. I see there’s an insert….does it work?

I live near a community darkroom for printing but it’s not worth the effort to go there to develop. And I imagine I’ll be scanning a fair amount (Epson V750).

I remember this community being very friendly and helpful. I even met complete strangers up in New Paltz for an afternoon of image-making and they didn’t kidnap or kill me!
