Quote Originally Posted by Alan Klein View Post
What you've done, Darr, is call a positive comment a Discussion. It's only a discussion if someone can return their views and disagree with you.
I respectfully disagree with your perspective.
While it's true that discussions can involve differing viewpoints and constructive criticism, a discussion about an image doesn't necessarily have to include negative opinions or comments.

For me, engaging with images can be a profoundly positive experience.
There are countless artworks that bring joy, inspiration, and a sense of wonder.
When I look at these images, my goal is to appreciate and understand what makes them captivating.
It's not always about finding flaws or things to criticize.

Art, in its various forms, is a means of self-expression and communication.
It can evoke emotions, tell stories, or be aesthetically pleasing.
As someone who enjoys art, I focus on the connection I establish with the artwork, whether through the artist's technique, the emotions it evokes, or the beauty it conveys.

Of course, constructive criticism and differing opinions have their place in the art world, fostering growth and learning for both artists and viewers.
However, they shouldn't be the sole criteria for labeling a conversation as a 'discussion.'
Sometimes, celebrating the positive aspects of an image and sharing what we love about it can be just as enriching and meaningful.