I don't give a rats arse whether or not people are using AI tools to create interesting (or even UNinteresting) imagery - I think the tool will be used, and I admit to finding some of the imagery quite fascinating.
There are people creating this stuff and calling it Photography, which is most definitely is not. Create whatever you want, with whatever tools interest you - that's great. But don't label this stuff "Photography".

I do have one other concern about how AI datasets are trained, and I wonder how many of you know this - these gigantic datasets are trained how to "see" and "create" by ingesting every image they can find on the Web and including it in their vocabulary. I know for a fact that a portion of my portfolio on Flickr has been used in the training of at least one of the biggest datasets used by AI and tools like Midjourney. I did not give permission for this, and Flickr is taking a "let's see what happens" attitude towards it. I suspect these service providers will eventually have to take a position on the matter, if they are going to have any credibility in regard to safeguarding their customers work. I have zero interest in providing content for AI datasets to learn from, unless these entities are going to pay me to do so (and even then...)