Apologies for a newbie question, but appreciate any guidance. I am traditional film and paper BW photographer, and now am suffering with how to make high quality scans of my finished traditional darkroom produced BW prints, to send along to friends and other folks. My digital illiteracy is starting to hurt. When I try to scan the images, I fail to get a scan that reproduces the subtle nuances of detail and tone satisfactorily. Probably a combination of equipment and my own inexperience. I am using just my simple desktop office all-in-one copier and scanner, which is probably not optimal for high-grade photo scanning. My new dilemma is whether to have the scans done professionally, or to get a dedicated photo scanner. I would rather do the scans myself, but am clueless on which scanner may be appropriate. Rather broad and open ended questions, I know, but I've got to start somewhere. What are your experiences and advice ?

