I developed today about 11 sheets of film: 4 Ilford Ortho 80, 4 Rollei IR 400 (with and R72 Filter) and HP+ 400. All taken on the same day and the same place.

All of the images are under exposed, by one or two stops. I have used several lenses so this could not be it. Quite strange because I have the habit to slightly overexpose my images 1/2 stop, not on purpose but …

So first I thought it was the new developer, and then I checked the Pentax and the meter was horrible off using the test button. Going to replace the battery because I have no idea how old this is.

So how do I know if the meter is still fine, I will calibrate it again after the battery replacement (can’t remember if I did that in the past).
Going to take off course a test shot but still ?